Monitoring the implementation of the strategic plan is done through systematic tracking of activities and actions to assess progress. Progress is measured against specific targets and schedules included in the implementation plan. 

A structured Performance Management Plan (PMP) to serve as a key management, planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning tool is developed. The PMP assists the Centre in meeting high standards of accountability, transparency, and efficacy in achieving the Centre’s strategic objectives.

The PMP includes clearly defined performance indicators and targets for both operational and technical components of the Centre. 

The PMP follows the same strategic framework outlined in this Strategic Plan, and provides mechanisms for collection of both qualitative and quantitative data on process/outputs and outcome indicators to gauge progress towards the attainment of the strategic objectives and to inform program planning and decision making.


Quarterly and Annual Progress Reports on key activities are prepared and submitted to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries and NFLC Steering Committee. The reports describe actions taken by NFLC toward achieving specific strategies and outcomes of the plan and includes costs, benefits, performance measures and progress to date. 

At the end of each financial year, a comprehensive annual report is produced and released to the stakeholders following the recommended format. It evaluates the year’s activities and indicate the extent to which NFLC has implemented the Plan. 

The long-term goal of NFLC is visibility and positioning in the country as the top-notch training Centre for Mindset change, agricultural leadership development, community transformation and agricultural technology.

The Centre developed a Communication and Marketing strategies and plans to promote public visibility and effective communication locally, regionally and internationally. These is linked to and integrated in the sector communication and marketing strategies and plan. The plan guides the Centre’s activities to raise awareness about its programs

Communication and Learning